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The English Speaking Club of Zurich

New in Zurich ?

British, American, Scandina-vian, Asian, Swiss, Expats, etc. - everybody is welcome.

(Ir)regular Meeting Place

Our regular meeting takes place every last Tuesday of the month at different places at the moment (mostly at Restaurant Werdguet): From 7:00 p.m. you are invited to join us! Just have a chat, meet new people, etc. Especially in the colder season this event has become one of the most attended ones.

How to get there? See description directly at the corresponding event.
Non members are welcome...

The new current committe in charge, you will find here.

A short note from the Secretary


A short note from the secretary

Dear Members, 

Did you know that 21.8 % of Zurich City's surface is forest? This is the green lung of Switzerland's biggest town. This includes not only high trees, but also a lot of bushes. Nowadays, with the hot temperatures, we sometimes even find ourselves in a subtropical forest. But no worries, there are no dangerous animals like snakes or bears (not yet). This means that we humans and our children (and grandchildren) can still enjoy our town forests, for leisure, for relaxation, education... and what else?

HIKING! Yes - our first event will take place in these green lungs. A real contrast to the densely populated and overheated town.

7310 Bad Ragaz. No, No, we won't go into the casino there. Nor will we jump into a hot and bubbling spa. Apart from this, the Spa resort in Heidiland is a really worthwhile place to visit, a different way to see Bad Ragaz - especially now, with the Bad RagARTz Open Air Sculpture Exhibition. In autumn, with usually no fog there and maybe even a Foehn wind which will mix up your haircut upon arrival. See you there in October.

Other events have to do with chicken soup (how this ???) or with social integration for those who need it.

Anyway, our varied programme shows how much you can do in and around Zurich. Let's profit from this!

I wish you a wonderful late summer season.

Warmest regards




Email ESCZ Secretary                                    (C) 2024 ESCZ